1. 1 Statements of the senior executives
  2. 2 About us
  3. 3 Strategic report
  4. 4 Corporate governance report
  5. 5 Appendices
  6. 6 About the report
  7. 7 Disclaimer
  8. 8 Contact information
  9. 9 Sitemap

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1.1 Statement by the Chairman of the PAO Rosseti Ural’s Board of Directors
1.2 Statement by the Chairman of the PAO Rosseti Ural’s Executive Board
2.1 Company’s profile and structure
2.2 Business model
2.3 Key figures, achievements
2.4 Key events of the year and post-reporting events
3.1.1 Macroeconomic and Industry Review, Market share
3.1.2 Development Strategy
3.1.3 Key Performance Indicators
3.1.4 Key Risks
3.2.1 Network Exploitation and Grid Asset Consolidation
3.2.2 Connection
3.2.3 Electricity Transmission
3.2.4 Additional (non-tariff) services
3.2.5 Consumer liaison
3.2.6 Key RAS metrics
3.2.7 Key IFRS metrics
3.2.8 Tariff Policy
3.2.9 Investments
3.2.10 Innovations
3.2.11 Progress of the Digital Transformation Program
3.3.1 Contribution to Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals
3.3.2 Personnel Management
3.3.3 Environment Protection
3.3.4 Management systems
3.3.5 Procurements
3.3.6 Anti-corruption Policy and Enforcement of Economic Security of Operations
3.3.7 Disclosures
3.3.8 Development of territories
3.3.9 Stakeholder Liaison
4.1 The Memo of the Controlling Stockholder (PAO Rosseti) with Regard to the Controlled Grid Companies
4.2 Corporate Governance Practices
4.3 General Meetings of Stockholders
4.4 Board of Directors’ Progress Report
4.5 Board of Directors Committees
4.6 Corporate Secretary
4.7 Executive Bodies
4.8 Remuneration and Compensation Policy
4.9 Settlement of Competing Interests
4.10 Internal Control, Risk Management and Internal Audit
4.11 Board of Internal Auditors
4.12 External Auditor
4.13 Management of subsidiaries and affiliates
4.14 Stockholder Equity and Securities
5.1 Corporate Governance Compliance Report
5.2 Information on major transactions and related-party transactions
5.3 Company’s interest in other companies in 2023
5.4 Company’s membership in non-commercial organizations in 2023
5.5 Sale of non-core assets in 2023
5.6 References
5.7 Abbreviations and Acronyms
6 About the report
7 Disclaimer
8 Contact information