1. 5.1 Corporate Governance Compliance Report
    2. 5.2 Information on major transactions and related-party transactions
    3. 5.3 Company’s interest in other companies in 2023
    4. 5.4 Company’s membership in non-commercial organizations in 2023
    5. 5.5 Sale of non-core assets in 2023
    6. 5.6 References
    7. 5.7 Abbreviations and Acronyms

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5.6 References

Chapter Document title and relevant details
Section 3.1.2. Development Strategy 1 Approved by the Government Decree dated 09.06.2020 No.1523-r.
2 Approved by the Government Decree dated 29.10.2021 No.3052-r.
Section 3.1.3 KPIkey performance indicators 3 Item 15.1 Art.15 of the Charter.
4 Board of Directors resolution dated 31.10.2023 (Minutes dated 31.10.2023 No.495).
5 Approved by the Government Decree dated 10.05.2017 No.543
6 Approved by the Government Decree dated 28.10.2009 No.846
Section 3.1.4. Key risks 7 Executive Board Minutes dated 21.12.2023 No.354.
8 Board of Directors resolution dated 09.11.2023 (Minutes No.496).
9 Decree dated 25.10.2023 No.658.
10 Decree dated 29.12.2023 No.504.
Section 3.2.1. Operational Results 11 Guidelines on the calculation of reliability and quality of service levels for a company managing the unified national networks and regional grid operators, approved by Ministry of Energy Decree dated 29.10.2016 No.1 256.
12 Decree dated 09.01.2023 No.1.
Section 3.2.3. Tariff Policy 13 Decree of the Ministry of Tariffs and Energy Power Sector of the Perm region dated 29.11.2022 No.40-e (revisions dated 30.12.2022 No.43-e, dated 18.01.2023 No.1-e).
14 Decree of REK of the Sverdlovsk region dated 28.11.2022 No.240-PK.
15 Decree of the Ministry of Tariffs and Energy Power Sector of the Chelyabinsk region dated 28.11.2022 No.102/162.
16 Connection Fee Calculation Guidelines, approved by Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service Decree dated 30.06.2022 No.490/22.
17 Decree of the Ministry of Tariffs and Energy Power Sector of the Perm region dated 29.11.2022 No.111-TP on setting of 2023 connection fees for RGOsRegional grid operators in the Perm region.
18 Decree of the Ministry of Tariffs and Energy Power Sector of the Perm region dated 20.06.2023 No.38-TP on revision of Decree of the Ministry of Tariffs and Energy Power Sector of the Perm region dated 29.11.2022 No.111-TP on setting of 2023 connection fees for RGOsRegional grid operators in the Perm region.
19 Decree of REK of the Sverdlovsk region dated 28.11.2022 No.234-PK on setting of 2023 standardized rates and connection fee formulas for RGOsRegional grid operators in the Sverdlovsk region.
20 Decree of REK of the Sverdlovsk region dated 28.12.2022 No.262-PK on setting of a privileged rate per 1 kW of requested maximum capacity for connection to the electric networks in the Sverdlovsk region.
21 Decree of the Ministry of Tariffs and Energy Power Sector of the Chelyabinsk region dated 29.11.2022 № 103/1 on a connection fee for RGOsRegional grid operators in the Chelyabinsk region in 2023.
Section 3.2.4. Investments 22 Ministry of Energy Decree dated 16.11.2023 No.4@.
Section 3.2.5. Innovations 23 Board of Directors Minutes dated 03.09.2021 No.407.
24 Board of Directors Minutes dated 02.10.2023 No.491.
25 Pursuant to clause 4.2 of PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Rosseti’s Executive Board meeting minutes dated 01.09.2022 No.1142/4.
Section 3.3.2. Personnel Management 26 Adopted by Decree dated 07.06.2021 No.249.
27 Standard STO ISM-MRSK-18-2022 “Identification of Dangers and Evaluation of Professional risks. Control of Risks and Management of Professional Risks” (adopted by Decree dated 27.09.2022 No.529).
Section 3.3.3. Environment Protection 28 License 066 No.00565 dated 12.01.2017.
29 Regulations on production environmental control PL MRSK-DPBiPK-29 (approved by Decree dated 26.12.2018 No.624).
30 Board of Directors Minutes dated 03.09.2021 No.407.
31 Federal Law dated 23.11.2009 No.261-FZ on energy-saving and enhancement of energy efficiency and introduction of amendments to a number of legislative acts of the Russian Federation.
Section 3.3.3. Management Systems 32 ISO 9001 – Quality Management System.
33 ISO 14001 – Environment Management System.
34 ISO 50001 – Energy Management System.
35 ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
36 CEN/TS 1655-1 – Innovation Management System.
Section 3.3.4. Procurements 37 Federal law dated 18.07.2011 No.223-FZ on procurements of goods, works, services by corporates.
38 Board of Directors resolution dated 24.01.2023 (Minutes dated 24.01.2023 No.460).
Section 3.3.5. Anti-corruption Policy and Enforcement of Economic Security of Operations 39 Art. 13.3 of Federal Law dated 25.12.2008 No.273-FZ on combating corruption.
40 Art. 19.28 of the Administrative Offence Code.
Section 4.2. Corporate Governance Practices 41 Adopted by the Bank of Russia’s Board of Directors on 21.03.2014 and recommended for application by Bank of Russia’s memo dated 10.04.2014 No.06-52/2463.
42 М MRSK-DVA-03-2019 “Evaluation of Corporate Governance practices”.
43 Federal Law dated 18.03.2020 No.50-FZ.
44 Federal Law dated 07.04.2020 No.115-FZ.
45 Federal Law dated 25.02.2022 No.25-FZ
Section 4.3. General Meetings of Stockholders 46 Clause 10.2, Article 10 of the Charter.
Section 4.4. Board of Directors’ Progress Report 47 Clause 15.1, Article 15 of the Charter.
48 Minutes of the Personnel and Remunerations Committee dated 19.12.2023 No. 129.
49 Board of Directors Minutes dated 20.12.2023 No.502.
50 Clause 16.1, Article 16 of the Charter.
51 AGSM Minutes No.20 dated 09.06.2023.
Section 4.5. Board of Directors Committees 52 Adopted by the Board of Directors, Minutes dated 29.11.2022 No.451.
53 Adopted by the Board of Directors, Minutes dated 30.11.2009 No.62, incl. revisions adopted by the Board of Directors on 19.02.2016, Minutes dated 19.02.2016 No.185.
54 Adopted by the Board of Directors, Minutes dated 27.07.2023 No.485.
55 Adopted by the Board of Directors, Minutes dated 29.07.2017 No.239.
56 Adopted by Government Decree dated 28.10.2009 No.846.
57 Adopted by the Board of Directors, Minutes dated 10.01.2024 No.505.
58 Adopted by the Board of Directors, Minutes dated 03.08.2010 No.72, incl. revisions adopted by the Board of Directors on 19.02.2016, Minutes dated 19.02.2016 No.185.
Section 4.6. Corporate Secretary 59 Adopted by the Board of Directors on 28.09.2016 (Minutes No.207 dated 30.09.2016).
Section 4.7. Executive Bodies 60 Clause 2, Article 70 of the Federal Joint-Stock Companies’ Law.
61 Clause 23.3 of the Charter.
62 Board of Directors Minutes dated 22.02.2023 No.464.
63 Board of Directors Minutes dated 21.04.2023 No.472.
Section 4.10. Internal Control, Risk Management and Internal Audit 64 Adopted by the Board of Directors on 09.08.2023 (Minutes No.488).
65 Decree dated 27.06.2023 No.369.
66 Decree dated 25.10.2023 No.658.
67 Decree dated 14.06.2023 No.341.
68 Adopted by the Board of Directors, Minutes dated 09.08.2023 No.488.
69 Adopted by the Board of Directors on 02.12.2019 (Minutes No.329), incl. revisions adopted by the Board of Directors on 10.11.2021 (Minutes No.410), in 2023 a new version was adopted (Minutes dated 09.08.2023 No.488).
70 Adopted by the Board of Directors on 28.12.2018 (Minutes No.290), in 2023 a new version was adopted (Minutes dated 18.10.2023 No.494).
71 Adopted by the Board of Directors (Minutes dated 05.04.2022 No.422).
72 Adopted by the Board of Directors on 31.03.2020 (Minutes dated 31.03.2020 No.349), incl. revisions adopted by the Board of Directors on 29.01.2021 (Minutes dated 01.02.2021 No.386).
73 Adopted by the Board of Directors (Minutes dated 06.05.2022 No.425).
Section 4.11. Board of Internal Auditors 74 Clause 24.1 of the Charter.
75 Clause 24.3 of the Charter.
76 AGM Minutes dated 17.06.2022 No.18.
77 Article 27 of the Federal Bankruptcy Law.
78 Minutes of the Board of Internal Auditors dated 25.04.2023 No.3.
79 Adopted by the General Meeting (Minutes dated 31.05.2018 No.12).
Section 4.11. External Auditor 80 Minutes No.3/58r dated 24.04.2023.
Section 4.14. Stockholder Equity and Securities 81 Adopted by the Board of Directors on 03 December 2021 (Minutes No.411).
82 Government Decree dated 29.05.2017 No.1094-r.
83 AGM Minutes dated 03.06.2021 No.17.
Section 5. Appendices 84 Recommended by Bank of Russia’s memo dated 27.12.2021 No.IN‑06-28/102 on disclosure of the CGCCorporate Governance Code compliance report as a part of the annual report.
85 Adopted by the Board of Directors on 27.11.2023 (Minutes No.498).