1.1 Statement by the Chairman of the PAO Rosseti Ural’s Board of Directors

D.V. Krainsky
The Chairman of the Board of Directors Of PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Rosseti Ural
Dear shareholders,
In 2023, PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Rosseti Ural’s production excellence once again proved its status of the key stakeholder on the regional energy market. Our professional team work in three industrial regions of paramount importance entailed the Company’s positive FY2023financial year 2023 performance.
PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Rosseti Ural fully completed all the tasks, improved its production metrics and provided a stable financial result. The Company’s FY2023financial year 2023 net income has topped a record level of RUBruble 12 billion. I’d like to thank the team for their focus on results, commitment and ability to find and implement effective solutions.
The Company has improved accessibility of the grid infrastructure and implemented dozens of measures to improve customer service. We also did a lot to consolidate grid assets. The Company invests heavily in the distribution network infrastructure.
FY2023financial year 2023 funding of the PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Rosseti Ural’s investment program totaled RUBruble 20 billion. The Company spent RUBruble 6+ billion on its maintenance and repairs program. We implemented a wide range of projects to increase liability and quality of electricity supply to consumers in the service area, developing the Urals grid sector in close collaboration with the authorities and businesses, fostering social and economic evolution of the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Perm regions. A significant amount of activities was carried out to expand the range of additional billable services contributing to the growth of the Company’s revenues apart from the core tariff-regulated transmission and connection services.
Positive FY2023financial year 2023 performance of the Company have become a solid foundation for new ambitious goals to be achieved in the future. The Company remained committed to its principles and continued implementing the chosen development strategy.
I am confident that PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Rosseti Ural will continue to develop steadily, retaining a considerable financial strength, to pursue the enhancement of efficiency in all lines of business and to improve corporate governance structure.
Best regards,
The Chairman of the Board of Directors
D.V. Krainsky