1. 2.1 Company’s profile and structure
    2. 2.2 Business model
    3. 2.3 Key figures, achievements
    4. 2.4 Key events of the year and post-reporting events

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2.4 Key events of the year and post-reporting events

Key 2023 events:

  • The Company has upgraded outdoor lightning networks under an energy service contract in Poselok Novoilyinsky and Poselok Uralsky (Nytva Municipal District, Perm region)
  • The Company has built a grid infrastructure for “Karpov Prud” all-season sports and training center (Chelyabinsk)
  • Expert RA rating agency has upgraded the Company’s credit rating up to RUAA+
  • The Company has enhanced reliability of operations at 35kV Poldnevskaya substation (Bogdanovich Municipal District, Sverdlovsk region)
  • The Company has arranged energy supply of a new medical building of the hospital (city of Cherdyn, Perm region)
  • The Company has become a partner of the “Professionality” federal project (Chelyabinsk and Perm regions)
  • The Company has changed its corporate name to PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Rosseti Ural
  • The Company has provided a reliable energy supply to International University Sports Festival facilities (Yekaterinburg)
  • The Company has built a grid infrastructure for a new building of Gymnasium No.2 (Perm)
  • The Company has acquired the grid infrastructure of Ozersk
  • The Company has provided electricity supply for 18 new EV charging stations (Yekaterinburg)
  • The Company has commissioned new additional 35 kV Status and Bobrovka power centers in suburbs of the Sverdlovsk region (Beloyarsky and Sysert Municipal Districts)

Post-reporting events:

  • The Company has prepared a grid infrastructure for a Mountain Belaya tourist cluster (Sverdlovsk region)