3.3.1 Contribution to Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, the UNUnited Nations member states adopted the document under the title “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” that lays out 17 goals and 169 objectives.
The Company is guided by the UNUnited Nations sustainable development goals in its operations. Due to the nature of the Company’s operations in its production and sustainable development activities it helps achieve 8 out of 17 UNUnited Nations SDGsustainable development goals on a daily basis.
UNUnited Nations SDGsustainable development goals |
Activities |
2023 achievements |
- Compliance with safety regulations and occupational safety;
- Social security of employees, incl. health insurance and health resort treatment
- Occupational safety costs: RUBruble 701.5 million
- 100% of the Company’s employees are provided with voluntary health insurance
- 631 employees visited health resorts
- Cooperation with core universities and secondary vocational educational institutions
- Training, retraining and advanced training of employees
- 10.6 thousand employees were trained at the Company’s expense
- Company’s expenses on training and advanced training of employees: RUBruble 103.6 million
- Reliable electricity supply to consumers
- Provision of connection services to all interested parties
- Isaidi (Permenergo): 0.7431 hours, Isaidi (Chelyabenergo): 1.1615 hours
- Isaifi (Permenergo): 0.7045 pcs, Isaifi (Chelyabenergo): 0.7160 pcs
- Iadiept (Sverdlovenergo): 0.0125 hours
- Connection contracts executed: 31.3 thous.
- Capacity connected: 741 MWmegawatt
- Employment in the regions of operation
- Competitive salary
- 15.0 thousand people employed in 3 regions.
- Wages and social benefits: RUBruble 16.7 billion
- Connection of new facilities
- Construction of new power lines and substations
- Digital transformation
- R&Dresearch and development
- Applications filed: 48.2 thousand, Contracts concluded: 27.5 thousand, Contracts executed: 31.3 thousand.
- Facilities commissioned: 7.6 thousand km of power lines 1,652 MVA of transformer capacity.
- Funding of the Digital Transformation Program’s activities: RUBruble 262.5 million
- R&Dresearch and development expenses: RUBruble 21.9 million
- Enhancement of reliability of electricity supply to consumers in settlements
- Use of insulated power lines and underground cables to improve network resilience and ability to withstand extreme weather conditions
- Use of smart switches to reduce the likelihood of power outages and increase safety and reliability of electricity supply
- Isaidi (Permenergo): 0.7431 hours, Isaidi (Chelyabenergo): 1.1615 hours
- Isaifi (Permenergo): 0.7045 pcs, Isaifi (Chelyabenergo): 0.7160 pcs
- Iadiept (Sverdlovenergo): 0.0125 hours
- Expenses on repairs and maintenance: RUBruble 6.2 billion
- Enhancement of energy efficiency and reduction of losses
- Compliance with international standards in terms of quality management
- Sustainable use of natural resources
- Effect from activities under the programs on energy saving, reduction of losses and other related activities totaled 7,554.6 tfoe, RUBruble 206.9 million
- Development of management systems in compliance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 50001:2018, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, CEN/TS 1655-1.
- Air pollution: 38.29 tons
- Biodiversity conservation
- Bird-protection devices installed: 4.6 thousand