1. 4.1 The Memo of the Controlling Stockholder (PAO Rosseti) with Regard to the Controlled Grid Companies
    2. 4.2 Corporate Governance Practices
    3. 4.3 General Meetings of Stockholders
    4. 4.4 Board of Directors’ Progress Report
    5. 4.5 Board of Directors Committees
    6. 4.6 Corporate Secretary
    7. 4.7 Executive Bodies
    8. 4.8 Remuneration and Compensation Policy
    9. 4.9 Settlement of Competing Interests
    10. 4.10 Internal Control, Risk Management and Internal Audit
    11. 4.11 Board of Internal Auditors
    12. 4.12 External Auditor
    13. 4.13 Management of subsidiaries and affiliates
    14. 4.14 Stockholder Equity and Securities

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4.6 Corporate Secretary

To embed key elements and provisions of the Corporate Governance Code into the corporate governance system of PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Rosseti Ural a position of the Corporate Secretary was introduced to our payroll schedule in 2016. The status of the corporate secretary, candidate specification, appointment and removal of the corporate secretary, reporting line, order of interaction with the governing bodies and units of the Company and other relevant activities are defined in the Regulations on the Corporate Secretary of PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Rosseti Ural[59]. The Corporate Secretary of the Board of Directors is appointed and removed by the General Director on the basis of a Board of Directors resolution, adopted as stated in the Charter and Regulations on the Corporate Secretary of PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Rosseti Ural. The Corporate Secretary functionally reports to the Board of Directors. Administrative reporting line of the Corporate Secretary shall be established by the organizational structure of the Company. The General Director and/or Chair of the Board of Directors nominate a Corporate Secretary candidate. If the Chair of the Board of Directors is not elected, all members of the Board of Directors enjoy the right to nominate a Corporate Secretary candidate.

The Regulations stipulate the following functions of the Corporate Secretary:

The Corporate Secretary of PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Rosseti Ural is Sergey Anatolyevich Gusak.

Sergey Anatolyevich Gusak

Background information:

Born in 1977. Educational background: Urals State Law Academy (graduate degree). Head of Corporate Governance and Stockholder Relations Department at PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Rosseti Ural since 2008. Share in the charter capital of the Company and its SACs / common stock owned: none. Family ties with members of executive and/or oversight bodies: none. Managerial positions for the past 5 years: member of the Executive Board of NChOU DPO Educational Center of IDGCInterregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals.