1. 5.1 Corporate Governance Compliance Report
    2. 5.2 Information on major transactions and related-party transactions
    3. 5.3 Company’s interest in other companies in 2023
    4. 5.4 Company’s membership in non-commercial organizations in 2023
    5. 5.5 Sale of non-core assets in 2023
    6. 5.6 References
    7. 5.7 Abbreviations and Acronyms

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5.5 Sale of non-core assets in 2023

Company’s Non-Core Asset Sale Blueprint[85] stipulates principal approaches, philosophy and mechanism of the identification and sale of non-core assets, sets criteria for counting assets as non-core assets, management of the non-core asset register, approaches to assessment of non-core assets, principal provisions on non-core asset sale and reporting on the register progress.

Asset Book value, RUBruble thousand Real sales value, RUBruble thousand Spread, RUBruble thousand Spread factors
Non-residental building of maintenance and industrial base in Poselok Novogornyi (Chelyabinsk region) 207.75 2,666.67 2,458.92 The sales value was defined as a result of the auction
A room in a dorm (Room 35a, 3 Ulitsa Cheboksarskaya, Perm) 11.28 493.00 481.72 The sales value was defined as a result of the auction
Non-residential building in Bogdanovich (Sverdlovsk region) 0.00 200.01 200.01 The sales value was defined as a result of the auction
Non-residential building in Irbit (Sverdlovsk region) 5.09 417.5 412.41 The sales value was defined as a result of the auction
Total: 224.12 3,777.18 3,553.06