1. 4.1 The Memo of the Controlling Stockholder (PAO Rosseti) with Regard to the Controlled Grid Companies
    2. 4.2 Corporate Governance Practices
    3. 4.3 General Meetings of Stockholders
    4. 4.4 Board of Directors’ Progress Report
    5. 4.5 Board of Directors Committees
    6. 4.6 Corporate Secretary
    7. 4.7 Executive Bodies
    8. 4.8 Remuneration and Compensation Policy
    9. 4.9 Settlement of Competing Interests
    10. 4.10 Internal Control, Risk Management and Internal Audit
    11. 4.11 Board of Internal Auditors
    12. 4.12 External Auditor
    13. 4.13 Management of subsidiaries and affiliates
    14. 4.14 Stockholder Equity and Securities

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4.8 Remuneration and Compensation Policy


The Annual General Meeting of Stockholders, conducted on 23.05.2019, adopted Amended and Restated Regulations of Remunerations and Compensations due to the Board of Directors[1]. In compliance with the Regulations, remunerations comprise a lump sum quarterly payment for participation in the Board activities.

Quarterly service remunerations due to each Board of Directors member are calculated, factoring in the total number of Board of Directors meetings conducted during the reported quarter and number of meetings attended by a Board of Directors member. Basic annual remunerations (Rbase) are determined according to the revenues of the Company, calculated under RASRussian Accounting Statements, for the last completed report year preceding election of the Board of Directors. The following increments are added to the remunerations: 30% for the Board Chair, 20% for the Chair of a Board Committee, 10% for a membership in a Board Committee. If a Committee conducts no meetings during the reported quarter, no increments for the Board of Directors Committee Chairmanship and membership are paid. The overall quarterly remunerations and increments due to each Board of Directors member do not exceed 1/4 of Rbase. Remunerations are not paid, if a Board of Directors member fails to attend more than 50% of the meetings conducted during the reported quarter. Remunerations are paid within 30 (Thirty) calendar days after the end of the reported quarter. Remunerations are charged and paid to the Board of Directors Chairman and members, subject to legal restrictions or prohibition of any allowances from businesses. Remunerations are paid from the income obtained from non-regulated services.

A Board of Directors member obtains compensations for expenses related to the participation in Board of Directors meetings, Board of Directors Committee meetings, General Meetings of Stockholders in compliance with the Company’s C-level trip reimbursement rates, valid as of the date of such meetings. The payment of compensations is made within 3 (Three) business days after presentation of documents supporting the costs incurred.


The KPIkey performance indicators system for the executive bodies is disclosed in Section “Key Performance Indicators”.

Total remunerations and/or compensations due to each governing body

Type of remunerations, RUBruble thousand Board of Directors Executive Board
Service remunerations 18,545 833
Salary 0 55,247
Bonuses 0 20,956
Commission fees 0 0
Other types 0 1,544
Reimbursement of expenses 0 0
TOTAL 18,545 78,580

In 2022, the Company has concluded a contract with AOJoint-Stock Company SOGAZ, leader of the joint tenderer (joint bid with SAO VSK), on D&Odirectors and officers insurance for the period starting 01.07.2022 and ending 24.09.2023 (incl. additional agreements) with a RUBruble 20,234.76 thousand premium paid to the insurer and RUBruble 825,000 thous. total limit of liabilities. PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Rosseti has concluded a single contract on D&Odirectors and officers insurance dated 23.10.2023 No. 23DO0020 for a new insurance period starting 25.09.2023 (insurance amount of RUBruble 5 billion) to protect proprietary interests of PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Rosseti and its affiliates, incl. PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Rosseti Ural.

[1] Visit the official web-site of the Company to read the Regulations (Section Incorporating Documents and Bylaws (Main/About us/ Incorporating Documents and Bylaws).