1. 3.2.1 Network Exploitation and Grid Asset Consolidation
      2. 3.2.2 Connection
      3. 3.2.3 Electricity Transmission
      4. 3.2.4 Additional (non-tariff) services
      5. 3.2.5 Consumer liaison
      6. 3.2.6 Key RAS metrics
      7. 3.2.7 Key IFRS metrics
      8. 3.2.8 Tariff Policy
      9. 3.2.9 Investments
      10. 3.2.10 Innovations
      11. 3.2.11 Progress of the Digital Transformation Program

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3.2.9 Investments

The PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Rosseti Ural’s investment program for 2023 was adopted by the Ministry of Energy Decree[22].

The Company’s 2021-2023 cost and physical parameters

Metrics 2021 2022 2023 2023/2022, %
Funding, RUBruble million plus VATvalue-added tax 13,481 12,602 20,239 161%
Capex, RUBruble million net of VATvalue-added tax 12,144 8,504 16,089 189%
New fixed assets, RUBruble million net of VATvalue-added tax 11,342 7,298 14,446 198%
Commissioning of transformer capacity, MVA 319 264 1,652 626%
Commissioning of power lines, km 1,812 1,870 7,605 407%

Implementation of the investment program includes handling of the following problems:

Investment funding structure in 2021-2023, RUBruble million, incl. VATvalue-added tax

Metrics 2021 2022 2023 2023/2022, %
Total: 13,481 12,602 20,239 161%
Connection 6,667 7,369 11,475 156%
Reconstruction, upgrade and retrofitting 5,080 4,166 5,784 139%
Investment projects, implemented under energy sector perspective development schemes and programs 321 370 163 44%
Other greenfield construction of energy facilities 75 136 182 134%
Purchase of land plots for investment projects 0 0 0 0%
Other investment projects 1,339 561 2,636 470%

The bulk of the 2023 funding (57%) was channeled to connection. Investments spent on reconstruction, upgrade and retrofitting totaled 29%. A 13% share of the total funding was spent on other investment projects (ready-to-operate devices, IT projects, etc.), funding of the investment projects, implemented under the energy sector perspective development schemes and programs totaled 1%; funding on greenfield construction totaled 1%. As for the sources of financing, the Company’s internal funds contributed the most to the total funding (80% or RUBruble 16,224 million). Raised funds totaled RUBruble 4,016 million or 20%. We have no state-funded projects.

The largest investment projects completed in 2023

Branch Title of an investment project Goals Commissioning in 2023
Perm region Construction of three 6/0.4 kV modular packaged transformer substations, with transformer capacity of 2х1.25 MVA, 2х2.5 MVA, 2х1.6 MVA, with metering equipment, IATSinformation acquisition and transmission system and SC I/I, 6 kV cable line (3.856 km) Development of the grids, related to connection of new consumers RUB 175 million
Sverdlovsk region Reconstruction of 35 kV Koltsovo substation with voltage conversion to 110 kV and 110 kV power line to supply XXXII World Summer Universiade 2023 facilities (53.2 MVA, 11.097 km, 3.629 ha, 22 pcs) Electricity supply of XXXII World Summer Universiade 2023 facilities, execution of the connection contract with GKUSO UKSSO RUB 1,243 million
Sverdlovsk region Reconstruction of 110/35/10 kV Shpagatnaya substation, replacement of 25 MVA T-1 and 16 MVA T-2 transformers for 80 MVA transformers (2 х 40 MVA) Development of the grids, related to connection of new consumers RUB 170 million
Chelyabinsk region Construction of 10 kV distribution station, 10 kV power line from 3С, 4С of 110 kV Paklinskaya substation Development of the grids, related to connection of new consumers RUB 200 million

Long-term investment program

The PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Rosseti Ural’s investment program for 2024-2028 was adopted by the Ministry of Energy Decree[22].

The Company’s 2024-2028 cost and physical parameters

Metrics 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Funding, RUBruble million, incl VATvalue-added tax 15,584 13,057 12,724 12,309 9,927
Capex, RUBruble million net of VATvalue-added tax 13,140 9,931 10,470 10,288 7,834
New fixed assets, RUBruble million net of VATvalue-added tax 15,570 9,187 10,039 12,250 7,578
Commissioning of transformer capacity, MVA 609 173 123 202 87
Commissioning of power lines, km 1,509 1,260 1,232 1,081 1,048

The Company’s investment program for 2024-2028 stipulates RUBruble 63,601 million (incl. VATvalue-added tax) funding, RUBruble 51,663 million (net of VATvalue-added tax) capex, RUBruble 54,623 million (net of VATvalue-added tax) new fixed assets. The Company’s 2024-2028 investment program is prepared with due allowances to regional development plans, equipment health, importance of grid facilities and current domestic environment.